Friday, February 13, 2009

What We Choose

This is from the book "What Makes A Man Feel Loved" by Bob Barnes.
I just love it!

I married a man I respect;
I have no need to bow and defer.
I married a man I adore and admire;
I don't need to be handed a list entitled
"How to build his ego" or
"the male need for admiration"
Love, loyalty, trust- these are inside me;
They motivate my actions.
To reduce them to rules destroys my motivation.
I choose to serve him, to enjoy him.
We choose to live together and grow together,
to stretch our capacities for love
even when it hurts and looks like conflict.
We choose to learn to know each other
as real people, as two unique individuals unlike any other two.
Our marriage is a commitment to love;
to belong to each other
to know and understand
to care
to share ourselves, our goals,
interests, desires, needs.
Out of that commitment the actions follow.
Love defines our behavior
and our ways of living together.
And since we fail to meet not only the demands
of standards but also the simple requirements
of love
We are forced to believe in forgiveness...and grace.

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