Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Blessed Marriage

Except Thou build it, Father,
The house is built in vain;
Except Thou, Saviour, bless it,
The joy will turn to pain;
But none can break the marriage
Of hearts in Thee made one,
And the Love Thy Spirit hallows
Is endless love begun.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Love Letter

The following are excerpts from a letter John Piper wrote to his wife, Noel, on her birthday. They are such a wonderful testimony to a marriage built on God and a reminder to wives of how we should always stand strong in support of our husbands and the postions God has placed them in.

"I celebrate the blessings of your rock solid support, layer upon layer."

”You have supported me in my faith. When I have wavered in discouragement, you have never sunk, but stood. You have directed me to our sovereign King again and again.”

“You have supported me in the calling God has given me. In private you comfort me, in public you stand with me, in all you help me keep my bearings…. You are just rock solid there for me.”

“You have supported me as a Song of Solomon bride—bringing me more pleasures than I could ever deserve, and wakening in me hopes that heaven, which must be better, though there is no marriage there, will be indescribably good.”

“Only you, till death do us part. I love you.”